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blog 14

    • 1) What is the surrounding context for this essay? Where and when was it first published? Who wrote the essay, and what do you notice about the author’s bio?
    • He is a well known speaker and songwriter. He graduated from Juliard as well as Harvard University. This essay is constructed around the idea of arts role in the world and its relation too empathy.
    • 2) What is the circumstantial context? What circumstances surround your personal reading experience? What is your purpose for reading this text?
    • my personal reading experience was good because I understand the importance of arts role. I enjoyed many of his ideas and found it incredibly interesting, as well as looking forward to write about it.
    • Describe the intentional context. What is the rhetorical situation? What is the scope? What is the “so what?” Finally, please choose three unfamiliar words or references to look up. Define or explain those terms in your blog.
    • The context of his writing is to explain the issue of not incorporating arts into the community and how he thinks his ideas would help the upcoming generations.